Friday, February 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Riley Walker!

Ten years ago today my Riley Walker was born.

Random things I love about him.

1. His middle name which is my maiden name. I wish I had called him Walker.

2. He is a FREE spirit...his own time, his own way.

3. I love that he still whats me to tuck him in at night and give him hugs and kisses.

4. that he tries his best in school, even if it is not perfect.

5. that he loves base ball more than anything in this world and that he is good at it.

6. that he accepted Christ as his Savior. My proudest moment.

7. that he loves his dad and thinks he is awesome.

8.that he is non stop from the time he wakes up till the time he goes down.

I love you Riley Walker, you are the best.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Me and my son C are getting to take a trip to Disney in April with his Chorus Class. Would this not be cute to wear with flip flops. Comfy and Cute. I need all the colors that they have.

Random Things I Love..

I got this idea from my friend Megan at I hope see won't mind that I am stealing it..

Random Things I love...

1.I love rainy days when all you have to do is stay inside and curl up on the couch.

2. I love road trips with my girlfriends, we have the best time.

3. I love my teva flip flops, if I could wear them summer,fall,winter and spring I would.

4. I love to take baths and read a book at the same time.

5. I love my new kitchen, even though I don't love to cook, I love my kitchen.

6.. I love that my children have Christain's for teachers.

7. I love my Jesus. He saved me and is still saving me from a life of sin.

8.. I love cleaning supplies, I love for my house to be clean and smell of cleaning supplies.

9. I love for my pantry and freezer to be stocked.

10. I love thanksgiving at my grandparents with all my extended family. No presents just lots of
love and food. That will be my favorite memory.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Not Me Monday!!!

OK first off...

I am not completely addicted to face book, I so have not talked to so many people I have lost touch with over the years. If you have not tried it, I recommend that you don't. It is so not fun.

I completely did not send my friend R a text message talking about someone Else's marriage only to not send it to R, but sent it to my preacher instead. I was so not busted, he so did not call him. Lesson Learned..Oh...He was very kind about it.

I did not go and celebrate my grandfathers 90th birthday on Saturday night. He is not the best.

We did not have a beautiful weekend here in the mountains of N.C. We did not take the opportunity to soak it in, because our weather here will not change tomorrow.

Me and my oldest son C are not getting the opportunity to go to Disney World in April with his chorus class, we are not super excited to go. This would not be happening unless we had some very giving family members. We are not blessed.

Best of all I am not thankful that God is not making all things new again.