Monday, February 9, 2009

Not Me Monday!!!

OK first off...

I am not completely addicted to face book, I so have not talked to so many people I have lost touch with over the years. If you have not tried it, I recommend that you don't. It is so not fun.

I completely did not send my friend R a text message talking about someone Else's marriage only to not send it to R, but sent it to my preacher instead. I was so not busted, he so did not call him. Lesson Learned..Oh...He was very kind about it.

I did not go and celebrate my grandfathers 90th birthday on Saturday night. He is not the best.

We did not have a beautiful weekend here in the mountains of N.C. We did not take the opportunity to soak it in, because our weather here will not change tomorrow.

Me and my oldest son C are not getting the opportunity to go to Disney World in April with his chorus class, we are not super excited to go. This would not be happening unless we had some very giving family members. We are not blessed.

Best of all I am not thankful that God is not making all things new again.

1 comment:

Wayne said...

Great not me monday Those mountings sound beautiful.

I was also wondering if you would like to take part in tribute tuesday. It is a chance to tell some one that you are thankful for them in your life by paying them tribute.
Tribute tuesday also has a mr linky so the world can see your tribute to the person that light up your life.